Mr Graham Kyle – The Poor Law and Poor Mr Davies
Dr. James Burton – Sheffield – The first for Penicillin
Dr Edward Wawrzynczak – Covid and convalescent plasma – A Cautionary Tale
Dr Rajan Madhok – Some reflections on the NHS: learning from history
Dr John Turner – Aintree Univ. Hospital: via Robert de Fazakerley, Smallpox and the 1st Western General TF


Dr Margaret JonesThe History of the HOMSW

Mr Alun Evans – The care of women in childbirth over the last 100 years

Mr Jared Torkington -The evolution of laparoscopic surgery

Dr Judith FoyFear of floating: the rise and fall of the flotation catheter

Dame Deirdre HineA public enquiry into Health Care: added value or added damage

Dr James GaggThe evolution of a medical specialty: Emergency Medicine, the first fifty years

Professor Geraint Williams – Cuthbert Dukes: The gentle giant of Gastrointestinal Pathology

Sir Keith PetersThe legacy of Sir Thomas Lewis. Clinical science in the era of molecular medicine

Professor Malcolm Wheeler – Daring innovators or reckless pioneers?

Professor David Graham – Reflections of a career in traumatic brain surgery

Dr Tony NapierTen lives that set the course of blood transfusion

Mr Chris Wilson – Knee arthritis – knee replacement, past present and future

Dr Gareth WilliamsUnravelling the Double Helix

Dr Liam Penny – Down the rabbit hole – the development of medical practice and cardiology in Wales in the last century

Professor Alan Fraser – The origins of regulatory science for medical devices


Mr David WebsterSeminal Events in Medical Education
Professor Robert Mansel – Breast Cancer Surgery from start to finish.
Professor Malcolm Mason – A History of Prostate Cancer – Taming the Tiger without Drowning the Pussycat?
Dr Sian Griffin Cardiff – The Development of Renal Replacement Therapy.
Miss Rachel Hargest Cardiff – Keyhole surgery- There is nothing new under the sun.

Mr David HA Jones – Founding Professors: 1. Anatomy: Alfred Hughes
Mr David Webster – Founding Professors: 2. Physiology: John Berry Haycraft
Professor Edward Howard  – Lord Joseph Lister, experimental and clinical genius
Mr David Reilly  – Who was Emile Coude?

Professor Philip Routledge – Wales’ Journey from Materia Medica to Modern Medicine.

Dr Howell Lloyd Cardiff – Dr John Snow: Chloroform, Cholera and Epidemiology
Mr David Anthony Jones – Hunterian Professors – A Welsh perspective
Mr Keith Moger – The Welsh National Memorial Association; A National Health Service for Wales?
Dr Richard Motley & Dr Colin Long – The History of Smallpox, Vaccina’on, and the Last Outbreak in South Wales.
Mr John Tricker – Islamic Medicine


Mr David Reilly – Life and Limb

Dr. Ken Roberts – Hugh Owen-Thomas – DVD

Professor Geoff Gill – Burma Railroad medicine

Dr. David Bowen-Jones – The life and death of Thomas Addison

Mr Jonathan Noble – In Defence of Reputation

Mr Graham Kyle – Egyptian Ophthalmia & the development of British Ophthalmology

Professor Vishy Mahadevan – The surgical operation as Theatre

Dr Peter Lloyd JonesMuseum Revelations – 2019

Mr David H A Jones – History of children’s orthopaedic surgery

Prof. David Whittingham – Assisted Conception: its impact on society today

Dr Edward Reynolds – Neurology and Psychiatry in Babylon

Dr Cherry Lewis – Parkinson – more than just the disease

Professor Gareth Williams -The polio story

Prof. D. P. Davies – Memories of a medical student and houseman

Professor Malcolm Wheeler – A brief history of Cardiac Surgery


Dr Howell Lloyd – Thomas Young, physician and polymath
Professor J Gareth JonesPembrokeshire hospitals from 1822
Dr Meirion Llewelyn The Plague
Professor Alan Fraser – Getting the picture: the development of cardiac imaging
Professor Tom Hayes – Scurvy
Mr David WebsterWilliam Harvey – Padua and the making of a scientist
Dr Alan Rees – Familial hypercholesterolaemia – from Roman times to the 21st century
Dr Christine Evans – Vienna 1900 – links uncovered between medicine and art
Mr Hugh Evans – Pioneers of neurophysiologyMr Hugh Evans – Pioneers of neurophysiology
Professor Alastair Compston – Dr Thomas Willis and the Doctrine of the Nerves
Dr John JessopThe Irish potato famine 1845-49 and the health impact in South Wales


Professor John Lazarus People I have known
Dr Meirion LlewellynHistory of unexplained illness
Dr Peter Mitchell – Iconography of early modern anatomical book illustration
Mr Richard JonesIs equine veterinary medicine still in the dark ages?

Professor David Austin – Strata Florida: an early centre of healing in a sacred landscape
Dr Malcolm Read History of sports medicine – multidisciplinary yet a specialty
Dr Owain Gibby – Von Siebold
Dr Peter L Jones – Professor William W Mushin
Dr Howell Lloyd – Medical scientists, battlefield doctors
Professor John Wass – The fantastic world of hormones

Mr David ShewringHistory of hand surgery
Bradford WhiteAndree’s War Francelle
Professor Malcolm WheelerThe evolution and development of endocrine surgery
Dr Annemarie EskelenInventing the science of nutrition – a healthy diet in the 19th century
Sir Leszek Borysiewicz – The Medical School: identity in the context of a wider university (Musings from Cambridge, Imperial and Cardiff)


Mr Barry BerkowitzSir John (1815-1895) and Sir Charles 1846-1928) Tomes: Pioneers of Dentistry

Professor Dillwyn Williams  – Rudolf Virchow, Physician, Pathologist, Politician and the Diagnosis of Cancer

Dr David ReillyThe General Surgeon – an Extinct Species?

Mrs Maureen LazarusDo no harm: Early Herbals from the National Museum of Wales

Peter Stutchfield – Life and Death on St Kilda Islands: A lost civilisation on the Edge of the World, Dr 

Professor Neil McIntyreThe secret marriage of Rose Anna Shedlock and Emile Roue

Professor Dillwyn Williams – Hammersmith to Cardiff – A new boy in the Welsh National School of Medicine

Dr John Rees1845 and all that

Dr Sheila Roberts – What’s in a name – Who cares?

Professor Geraint WilliamsWilliam Harrison Cripps (1850 – 1923): a surgeon with a pathological legacy

Sir Eldryd ParryFrom Abercynffig to Aksum (via Hammersmith)

Professor Sir John Meurig Thomas – Bragg, Perutz and Kendrew. The origins of molecular biology

Dr Peter Mitchell – Early modern anatomical book illustration

Mr Robin Odell – A Forensic Quintet

Professor Sir Dillwyn Williams – Life and death in the valleys


Prof. D Gwyn Williams  – Paul Ehrlich – Forerunner of Modern Medicine

Mr Robin OdellTeasing Problems

Dr Peter L JonesThe Bequest of Dr Phyllida Frost

Dr Hassan Badrerk-Amoudi.The Development of Preventive Paediatrics and Child Health

Professor Graham RV HughesLupus – a Disease of our Time

Dr John Harcup – Florence Nightingale’s Visits to Malvern

Miss Margaret DaviesNursing in the 60s at Home and Abroad

Professor DP Davies – Paediatric Remedies of Meddygon Myddfai (Physicians of Myddfai)

Dr Christine EvansCreativity and Madness: Fact or Fiction

Professor Elwyn Elias – Entero-hepatic Short-cuts from the beginning until now

Professor Stewart CameronFrederick Akbar Mohamed: a 19th C. Pioneer in Hypertension

Dr Diana Luft – Medieval Welsh Medicine: What do the Manuscripts say?

Professor Malcolm H Wheeler – Brahms and Billroth – a Unique Friendship

Professor John ReesThe History of Tuberculosis in relation to Art and Literature

Dame Deirdre HineThe Interface between Medicine and Politics: Analysis and Anecdote

Dr Judith Foy – Medical Lessons from Art and Artifacts

Dr Carol Barton – The Diary of a Student and Surgeon in the 1840s

Professor Roger JonesSir Astley Cooper and the Making of Modern Medicine


Mrs Susan Clark PrestatynThe Soldier from the Sky

Dr Ken RobertsWhen ambulances had bells

Miss Sophie Jones – A history of cataract surgery

Professor Malcolm WheelerThe History of Thyroidectomy

Mr David HA JonesShenton’s Line

Dr Tim SmithCupping, leeching and the lancet – a history of blood-letting

Mr David HA JonesThe heritage of Chailey

Dr Tudor JonesTom C-E

Mr Clive InmanThe History of Spinal Injury in Wales

Dr Charles ClarkeA brief history of altitude medicine and highlights of Tibetan medicine

Dr Peter L JonesAny old Iron – Acquisitions in the Welsh Museum of Health & Medicine

Mr Robin OdellBlood, Puss and Bandages

Dr Stephanie MatthewsMurder, Mystery and WMD

Dr Howell LloydThe Story behind the Discovery of Insulin

Mr Sam AlbertiSurgery, Collections and the Great War

Mr David HA JonesThe Welsh Hospital in South Africa

Mr Richard PuseyOh! What a horrible war

Professor Anthony K CampbellDarwin Diagnosed

Mr Hugh EvansThe Deaths of Kings and Queens