The History of Medicine Society of Wales exists to review matters of historic significance to those with an interest in Medicine and allied subjects in Wales.
The meetings, held alternately in North and South Wales, include lectures, presentations, exhibits and visits that are of interest to its members. Because of the distances involved, overnight accommodation may be necessary and the Society seeks to make a convivial experience of such occasions.
The membership consists chiefly, but not exclusively, of clinicians, medical students, pharmacists, nurses and historians.
The Society welcomes anyone who has a special interest in medicine, whether or not they have been professionally involved in the allied professions.
Because of the variety of venues that are used, attendance at meetings is only by prior arrangement with the Secretary.
N.B. The restricted travel that was caused by the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in the cancellation of all meetings in 2020. Gradual relaxation of restrictions during 2021 enabled meetings to resume with limited attendance. We were fortunate that, iAV audiovisual , our sound and vision experts, were able to record those meetings and make them available on YouTube. Contact the secretary for the YouTube addresses.